Graphic Design Software
13 African American Graphic Designers You Should Know, Part 1 - Laughton Creatves
In honor of a perpetual Black History let’s spotlight some African American graphic designers who have left an indelible mark on the field.
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13 African American Graphic Designers You Should Know

CHARLES DAWSON (1889 – 1981)

AARON DOUGLAS (1899 – 1979)

LEROY WINBUSH (1915 – 2007)

EUGENE WINSLOW (1919 – 2001)

GEORG OLDEN (1920 – 1975)

THOMAS MILLER (1920 – 2012)

EMMETT MCBAIN (1935 - 2012)

ARCHIE BOSTON (born 1943)

EMORY DOUGLAS (born 1943)

SYLVIA HARRIS (1953 - 2011)

ART SIMS (born 1954)

GAIL ANDERSON (born 1962)

As a designer of the African diaspora, African-Jamaican-Canadian, the importance of knowing those who paved the way for African-American graphic designers, for the truth of all history, cannot be understated. These men and women boldly pushed passed racial inequality with their talent and perseverance to help create the way for all.